Common Signs and Symptoms of Hormone Imbalances in Men and Women | Evolution Precision Medicine and Aesthetics

Common Signs and Symptoms of Hormone Imbalances in Men and Women

Hormone imbalances can manifest differently in men and women, but they share a disruptive impact on physical and emotional well-being. From mood swings and weight gain to sleep issues and reduced energy, the symptoms can interfere with day-to-day life. At Evolution Precision Medicine and Aesthetics, located in Overland Park, KS, we specialize in a comprehensive approach to health, integrating hormone replacement therapy with other elements like nutrition and exercise to help address these imbalances effectively.

When it comes to treatment, it’s crucial to opt for a personalized approach. Hormone imbalances are complex and can result from various factors, including age, lifestyle, and underlying medical conditions. That’s why we engage in a thorough assessment and develop a tailored treatment plan that can give you effective, long-lasting results without focusing solely on cosmetic enhancements.

Hormones and Their Role in the Body

Hormones serve as the body’s internal messaging system, regulating essential functions like metabolism, mood, and reproductive health. In women, hormones like estrogen play a pivotal role, especially during life transitions such as menopause. For men, testosterone levels are central to various bodily processes and are significantly impacted by andropause.

How Hormone Imbalances Can Affect Health

A hormone imbalance during phases like menopause in women or andropause in men can lead to a myriad of health issues. Imbalances in both cases can cause symptoms ranging from mood instability and sleep disturbances to more severe complications like osteoporosis. Addressing these imbalances is not just about mitigating symptoms; it’s about creating a more balanced state of health to reduce long-term risks.

Common Signs of Hormone Imbalance in Women

  • Irregular Periods: One of the telltale hormone imbalance symptoms in premenopausal women is irregular menstrual cycles. This can be disruptive and often requires medical evaluation.
  • Hot Flashes: Particularly relevant to women going through menopause, hot flashes are a common indicator of hormone imbalance in women. These sudden feelings of warmth can be both uncomfortable and unsettling.
  • Mood Swings: Emotional symptoms are often seen in women during menopause. These fluctuations can happen without any apparent reason and can be distressing.
  • Fatigue: Persistent tiredness that doesn’t seem to go away with proper rest can be another sign of hormone imbalance.
  • Weight Gain: Unexplained weight gain, particularly around the abdomen, is often attributed to hormone imbalance and can be challenging to manage.

Common Signs of Hormone Imbalance in Men

  • Reduced Libido: A decrease in sexual drive can be one of the signs that indicate a hormone imbalance in men.
  • Low Energy: Persistent feelings of fatigue and lack of motivation are common hormone imbalance symptoms in men.
  • Mood Changes: Similar to women, men can also experience emotional instability as a sign of hormone imbalance. This could manifest as irritability or increased sensitivity.
  • Muscle Mass Loss: A decrease in muscle mass despite regular exercise can be a sign of an imbalance in hormones like testosterone.
  • Unwanted Fat: Accumulation of fat, especially around the abdomen and chest, can be another sign of hormone imbalance in men and may require medical evaluation.

Other Common Symptoms

Several symptoms of hormone imbalance can overlap between men and women, making them relevant to both genders. Issues like trouble sleeping, depression, and anxiety can affect anyone experiencing an imbalance in hormone levels. Additional concerns may include digestive problems and hair loss.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalance 

To accurately diagnose a hormone imbalance, a comprehensive evaluation is essential. A hormone imbalance test measures levels of various hormones like estrogen and testosterone, to pinpoint the cause of symptoms. Based on the test results, a treatment plan can be developed to effectively address the imbalance.

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Hormonal Imbalance

What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a medical intervention designed to replenish deficient hormone levels in the body. It is a targeted hormone imbalance treatment that can use various methods such as pellets, injections, topical solutions, or nasal sprays, based on individual concerns and medical evaluation. By restoring hormone levels, HRT aims to alleviate symptoms and mitigate long-term health risks associated with imbalances.

The Benefits of HRT

Opting for hormone replacement therapy offers multiple advantages. Hormonal therapy not only provides symptomatic relief but can also contribute to a more balanced state of overall health. HRT has shown effectiveness in addressing various concerns like mood instability, fatigue, and metabolic issues, thereby improving daily functioning.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Determining candidacy for HRT involves a thorough consultation and diagnostic process. Both men and women grappling with symptoms of hormone imbalance can be potential candidates for this hormonal therapy. It’s important to have a comprehensive evaluation, including a hormone imbalance test, to ascertain whether HRT is the most appropriate course of action for you.

What Are Hormone Treatments Like?

BHRT Pellets

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) pellets are small, implantable pellets that gradually release hormones into the bloodstream. BHRT offers a low-maintenance approach to treating imbalances, requiring only three to four treatments per year for most patients to maintain balanced hormone levels.


Hormone therapy through injections can be administered either subcutaneously or intramuscularly. These injections offer a quick and effective way to deliver the necessary hormones directly into the body’s tissues. They are designed to address hormone imbalance through precise dosing, which can be adjusted as needed.

Topical Solutions

Topical solutions are another option for hormone therapy that can be applied directly to the skin. These HRT creams or gels contain the required hormones and are often recommended for those who prefer a non-invasive method of treatment.

Nasal Sprays

For those looking for an easy-to-use, self-administered option, nasal sprays provide another avenue for hormone imbalance treatment. These HRT sprays are quick and painless, delivering the hormones directly into the bloodstream through the nasal membrane.

Restore Hormonal Balance With Hormone Replacement

Addressing a hormone imbalance can greatly enhance your quality of life and overall well-being. At Evolution Precision Medicine and Aesthetics in Overland Park, KS, we’re committed to providing expert care and guidance throughout the treatment process. For more information or to get started, please reach out to us at (913) 283-8642 or fill out the online form on our website.