For many people, traditional medicine has not been enough to treat chronic pain and inflammation or to resolve other health problems. At Evolution Precision Medicine and Aesthetics, we want to help people restore their health through regenerative medicine.


One of the regenerative services that we offer in Overland Park, KS is ozone therapy, also known as Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO). This treatment can help many individuals who are looking for a way to rid their system of toxins, heal from wounds, boost their immunity, or reduce inflammation in their bodies.

What Is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone therapy is a treatment that takes the blood out of your body using a closed loop system, filters it, and then infuses it with ozonated water. The process is similar to dialysis, but the blood is treated with ozone in addition to being filtered by the machine. Ozone therapy may help to bring more oxygen to the blood and stop toxins from wreaking havoc in your body.

How EBOO Ozone Therapy Works

Ozone IV therapy begins by hooking up an IV to each arm. One arm will deliver blood to the EBOO device while the other will receive the filtered blood. During treatments, your blood is put through a special filter which may remove a wide variety of toxins including bacteria, viruses, yeast, fungi, free radicals, and more.

After the blood is filtered it is exposed to oxygen (O2) and mixed with ozonated water (O3). The ozone can help by killing any viruses or bacteria that are left after the filtration process. It can also help cells to use oxygen more efficiently.

What Can Ozone Therapy Help to Heal? 

Ozone Therapy for Chronic Pain

Because ozone therapy can help reduce inflammation, it may be an effective treatment for patients who have chronic pain. Ozone therapy for pain relief can also help stimulate the body to send healing to the areas where you are having problems and may filter out or kill toxins that are making the problem worse.

Ozone Therapy for Heart Health

If your body is having a difficult time filtering out toxins, some of these toxins can end up in organs such as your heart. This can contribute to cardiovascular problems. By helping your body to get rid of more of these toxins, we can promote the health of your body’s organs including your heart, which may reduce your chances for cardiovascular disease.

Ozone Therapy Non-Healing Injuries

If you have injuries such as ulcers, joint pain, or other types of non-healing wounds, EBOO therapy may help these wounds to heal. This may come from the treatment’s ability to remove pathogens that may be contributing to the lack of healing in the wound and it may also make the immune system stronger and improve blood flow to the area.

Ozone Therapy for Aesthetics and Anti-Aging

When the skin cells in your body have increased access to oxygen, they can renew much faster and heal much easier. Because of this and the antioxidant effect that EBOO can have on the blood, your skin can look healthier and more youthful. You may also notice that your skin feels more elastic because of additional collagen and elastin production.

Ozone Therapy for Chronic Inflammation

If you suffer from fatigue, chronic pain, or other symptoms that affect your day-to-day life, you may have some type of chronic inflammation. Ozone therapy may help patients who have chronic hepatitis, Lyme disease, long Covid, or other types of inflammatory concerns.

What Are Ozone Therapy Benefits? 

Minimally Invasive Treatment

Ozone IV Therapy is a minimally invasive treatment. All of the work that is done to filter and ozonate your blood happens outside your body using our EBOO device. All you will need is the IV in each arm which is a fast and relatively pain-free process.

May Help Both in the Short and Long Term

You may feel better immediately after having EBOO treatments. For others, it may take a few more days or even several treatments to see a difference. Each body reacts differently to the treatment. However, without as many toxins in your body, many patients better both in the short-term and in the long-term as their body’s are able to heal.

Can Be a Good Pre-Treatment for Exosome Therapy

Ozone therapy can be a good treatment to use in conjunction with exosome therapy. Exosome therapy is a type of treatment that involves injecting exosomes into the body to help your body to heal itself more effectively. Ozone therapy can help increase the response of other treatments such as exosome therapy.

How Many Treatments Are Needed?

A regimen of at least three EBOO treatments is usually recommended. These treatments are generally performed once a week for three weeks. After this, you and your doctor can have another consultation to decide if more treatments are necessary to help you with your individual concerns. Sometimes, up to six treatments may be needed.

Regenerative Medicine and Ozone Therapy in Overland Park

Whether you are seeking ozone therapy for pain relief, chronic illness, cosmetic concerns, wound healing, or more, we can help you at Evolution Precision Medicine and Aesthetics. We offer several different regenerative treatments including ozone IV therapy, exosome therapy, and more that can improve your quality of life and make you feel younger and more energetic.


We would love to help you with our EBOO ozone therapy treatments in Overland Park, KS. Our treatments are performed in a luxurious environment where your comfort and safety are always considered over everything else. If you are interested in learning more about our regenerative medicine, contact us today for a free consultation by calling our number or by filling out an online form.

Ozone Therapy for Treating Chronic Pain and Illness

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